The process of advancing AI technology and making AI-generated content attractive to and available to the general public is comparable to that of the printing press and its pivotal influence on newspapers and journalism.

The process of advancing AI technology and making AI-generated content attractive to and available to the general public is comparable to that of the printing press and its pivotal influence on newspapers and journalism.
The question at the heart of whether or not engaging with defense research is ethical probably boils down to this: does defense promote peace, or does it promote war?
We initiated this special issue to highlight innovative and essential work underway on technology and analytics for global development. The panoply of important Adaptation and sustainability are essential, enabled by technologies that optimize crop production, improve quality, and protect the environment. topics discussed at ISTAS23 presented a difficult, but welcome challenge of deciding the theme for this special issue.
The Earth 3 podcast will explore Earth 1 through the lens of Science, Technology, the Environment, Ethics, and Law, or STEEL for short.
Modem Futura is your guide to the bold frontiers of tomorrow.
Food security and agriculture are complex systems that interconnect with many other issues, including poverty and environmental sustainability. These urgent issues inspire proposals for technological solutions. Emerging technologies are often proposed as ways to increase food supply to end hunger. Other proposals target agricultural practice, grounded in the knowledge that agriculture has a large carbon footprint, and the fear that the negative climate impacts of agriculture would worsen as the population increases.
ISTAS25 will be held at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, CA, September 10-12, 2025, and themed AI Evolution and Revolution.
ISTAS 2024 continued on Thursday September 19 in Puebla, Mexico, with a second day of outstanding programming addressing the social implications of artificial intelligence, as well as sustainability and climate change, ethics and human values, and technology policy and law.
CS president Jyotika Athavale called the conference’s topic a reminder to IEEE members and the technical community that “everything we do has a lasting impact… that extends far beyond the insularity of the scientific community” to encompass the “broader implications” of technology, and in particular artificial intelligence.
ISTAS 2024 in Puebla, Mexico, has officially opened!
Tom Coughlin 2024 IEEE President gave the opening address this morning September 18, 2024, via recorded feed.
Virtual registration is still available for attendees outside of Mexico.
There is a clear parallel between conceptualizations of comedy clubs and AI labs as masculine spaces, and jokes and technology as for men. As Sutko writes, [AI] technology often gets equated with “men’s power,” while women and girls are portrayed as less technologically skilled and less interested than their male counterparts. Such stereotypes can contribute to the gender gap in women’s participation in related fields.
Welcome to the second installment of “Meet the Editorial Board.” We are delighted to introduce you to some more members of the IEEE Technology and Society Magazine’s editorial board.
While AI-generated responses can initially seem impressive, LLM and AI generated texts suffer from multiple risks, including hallucination and inaccuracy.
Spain’s Comunitat Valenciana (Valencian Community) (Figure 1) has a rich agricultural history, with long traditions of resilience and innovation. This tradition,… Read More
Social media platforms present a perplexing duality, acting at once as sites to build community and a sense of belonging, while also giving rise to misinformation, facilitating and intensifying disinformation campaigns and perpetuating existing patterns of discrimination from the physical world.
The articles in this special issue focus on the connected nature of the SDGs and the need to address them using community-based approaches and span essential steps for widespread SDG attainment, including planning, implementation, and monitoring.
At the Recent international negotiations on climate change in Dubai in 2023, the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to play a critical role in addressing climate challenges was recognized through the initiative “AI for Climate Action (#AI4ClimateAction).”
The term “explainability” is a multifaceted concept within the realm of computer science. In essence, it encompasses various aspects and capacities of a system to effectively convey its internal processes, decision-making, capabilities, and constraints to its users. Providing explanations can notably enhance initial trust, especially when trust is measured as a multidimensional concept that includes aspects such as competence, benevolence, integrity, intention to return, and perceived transparency.
DCAI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and fields by enabling more efficient and effective decision-making based on insights extracted from data. Monitoring and evaluating the algorithm’s performance can help identify and mitigate biases over time, ensuring reliable and ethical results.