IEEE & IEEE SSIT offers a lot of valuable resources that can be useful and supportive in running your student chapter.
Forming your Chapter
To form an IEEE SSIT Student Chapter, you need a faculty advisor who is an active IEEE SSIT member, as well as at least six active IEEE SSIT Student members or Graduate Student Members.
Learn more on IEEE Student Branch Chapter requirements and start your chapter petition here
Chapter Funding
A Student Chapter funding program is under development by the IEEE SSIT Student Activities Committee. Under the program, each student chapter will be funded to support local activities aimed at improving the membership goals and outreach. More information will be rolled out in the upcoming months.
SSIT Website Updates
Student Chapters are highly encouraged to share information pertaining to chapter activities, events, achievements & any other relevant issues for publication on the IEEE SSIT website. Please send the information to Miriam Cunningham, SSIT Web Committee Chair with a copy to SSIT Student Activities Committee.
Note: It is highly encouraged to publish the chapter event on IEEE Vtools Events and please share the vtools event link with the above mentioned.
SSIT Newsletter Updates
Please contact the SSIT Newsletter Editor, Heather Love if you have a chapter news item, SSIT-related update, volunteer opportunity, or “Feature Article” idea for a future issue. Submissions are due by the first week of the month.
Email Communication
- IEEE eNotice is an electronic newsletter subscription service that has been developed for IEEE organizational units to facilitate email distribution of newsletters, meeting notices and IEEE conference materials. Automatic access is granted to your Chapter Executive Committee Members. It is encouraged to use for communicating with your student chapter membership.
- IEEE offers LISTSERV as an email list management solution for volunteers. LISTSERV provides everything you need to manage all of your opt-in email lists, including email newsletters, announcements, discussion groups and email communities. It is encouraged to use for communicating/running email lists for guests, send chapter & SSIT updates to your university/college faculty and students (who aren’t a part of your chapter).
Note: Please ensure to the IEEE GDPR Guidelines while collecting information for your events, subscription for email updates etc.,
Web Hosting
IEEE Entity Web Hosting provides web hosting for Regions, Councils, Areas, Sections, Subsections, Chapters and Affinity Groups. The SSIT Student Chapter Officers can request hosting for the chapter website.
It is recommended to use IEEE Sites (2019) Template -> https://r1.ieee.org/dci-template/ template while applying for entity web hosting.
Event Management
IEEE vTools Events is used for creating and managing meetings, events, activities. Student Chapter Officers can create announcements by entering all relevant meeting information in one central place. Each created event is accessible at the vTools Events website and the events are automatically exported to various sites, including IEEE websites, Collabratec and IEEE Event Finder Mobile App. Event registration, with or without credit card payment, is available.
Survey Management
IEEE provides Survey Sparrow tool for Organisational Units. The Student Chapter Officers can request the tool by placing a request. It is recommended to follow IEEE MCE GDPR guidelines for running registration on this tool (or any other tool like google forms etc.,)
Guidelines, Resources and Templates
IEEE Meeting, Conferences and Events (MCE) provides a valuable pool of resources including templates, guides, forms etc., which will be helpful in successfully organising your chapter events.
IEEE Branding Experience provides an insight into how to ensure brand integrity and also a pool of valuable tool kits, policies that can help improve your marketing and promotion for your events
IEEE SSIT Logos & Branding
IEEE SSIT logos can be obtained from the IEEE Branding Website including Master Brand Lockups. If you have any questions related to design/creative outlines, please email Terri Bookman (SSIT Administrator).
SSIT Student Chapters are encouraged to develop their specific chapter identifiers(logos) as per IEEE Geographic Communities Identity Guidelines (Refer page no 25-26). For more information about the IEEE Student Branch Chapters Identifiers, contact branding@ieee.org.
As you require support and guidance, please email ssit-sac@ieee.org.