TTS Author Information

Article Submission Types

There is 1 article submission type for IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society:

(1) Original Research (regular) – 10 pages

Original Research- RegularAn article that using the IEEE transactions template may be up to 10 pages, inclusive of content, references, acknowledgements, biographies, images and tables.

Authors are strongly advised to keep their article page length to 10 pages so as to avoid additional page count costs.

Note: Authors can write up to an additional 10 pages but will incur a page charge of $200 per page, beginning with page number 11 and ending with page number 20 as a maximum total. Authors may wish to pay a voluntary page charge of $110 to support the Transactions.

Original Research– Open Access

An open access paper is a peer reviewed paper that may be original research. Authors will only be able to designate their paper as an “open access” at the point that FINAL FILES are received at the IEEE Author Gateway in Manuscript Central. Open access MUST be stipulated, if that is what the authors desire, prior to the final proofing stage.

Open access fees (hybrid journal) are:

Article Processing Charges (APCs):

US$2495 for articles submitted in 2024. APC US$2645 for articles submitted in 2025.

  • IEEE Members receive a 5% discount.
  • IEEE Society Members receive a 20% discount.
  • Discounts cannot be combined.
  • Discounts do not apply to undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Information about IEEE’s Low and Lower-middle Income Country Program is available

Some institutions offer assistance for open access funding. Check our institutional partners list to see if yours is one.

Note the APC is a “per article” fee for articles of up to 10 pages. Articles over 10 pages additionally will be subject to overlength page charges of $200 per page for pages 11 through 20. Maximum length 20 pages.


The following template should be used in submitting new articles. The publication does not accept LATEX documents for the Transactions. Please submit all work in .DOC format. The IEEE referencing format MUST BE used in all article submissions.

General Information

Please visit IEEE’s Author Center for general information.

Paper Submission Portal

Please visit IEEE’s Author Portal manuscript submission system.

Sponsoring Societies

The IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society will be an Electronic (IEEE Xplore Delivery) only publication. No print copies will be produced. The sponsoring societies include:

• IEEE Society on the Social Implications of Technology

Technical co-sponsorship societies include:

• IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

The Transactions on Technology and Society is 100% financially sponsored by the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology.