ISTAS 2024 in Puebla, Mexico, has officially opened!
Tom Coughlin 2024 IEEE President gave the opening address this morning September 18, 2024, via recorded feed.
Virtual registration is still available for attendees outside of Mexico.
And here is a link to the Technical Program:
IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS24)
Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
18th – 20th September 2024
Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), Puebla, Mexico
Register HERE !
Visit the Conference website HERE.
The theme of ISTAS 2024 is the Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). SSIT invites participation from practitioners in academia, industry, and government who contemplate the impacts of technology on today’s society in the areas of ethics, sustainability, and equity, and who particularly examine social values within the tech industry. We also invite individuals involved in Technology Policy that would like to better understand the social implications that will arise with the use of AI. The conference seeks to foster multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and trans disciplinary interactions with cross sector conversations about legal and economic issues of AI and challenges for policy makers. Examples of risks include inadvertent malicious use of AI, or security risks when, say, medical guidelines produced by these systems may contain false information and cause the death of a patient. Plagiarism may occur with the use of AI in education, industry, or government. As society becomes dependent on the use of AI, new social challenges will arise when AI and automation eliminate manufacturing jobs, requiring re-education of the work force. AI offers challenges in cybersecurity as well as new approaches for national and international security, AI ethics, and the use of autonomous transportation vehicles.
Paper sub. deadline
May 31, 2024
June 30, 2024
July 26, 2024
Social implications of technology
- Social media and the use of disinformation, misinformation, and fake news.
- Humanitarian technology.
- Digital divide.
- Technologies that are safer, more secure and more privacy preserving.
- Universal access to technology.
Ethics and human values
- Engineering ethics education.
- Design ethics.
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion (including generational).
- Ethics of intelligent systems.
- Ethics of DNA editing.
Technology-Focused Law, Policy, Regulation, and Guidelines
- Principles; Governance.
- Policy; Standards; Ethics.
- Privacy and security.
- Data ownership; Case law.
- Privacy by design; Human rights.
- Chip implants and transhumanism.
Climate change
- Public safety technologies.
- Water and food systems; digital agriculture.
- Floods, Droughts, Extreme Weather
- Global economy forced migration & wars.
- Health care & public health technology.
Health & safety technology systems
- Publica health systems, surveillance, and epidemiology.
- Environmental health.
- Pandemics, vaccine development and distribution .
- Food and medication security and traceability.
- Privacy and security.
Other topics:
- Protecting the planet
- Sustainable development.
- Emerging technologies,
- Standards.
The 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society will be held in Puebla, Mexico, from September 18-20, 2024, at the Universidad de Las Americas, Puebla (UDLAP).
ISTAS24 will be the first ISTAS conference to be held in Latin America.
Jose Luis Vazquez Gonzalez of the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) will serve as conference chair, and Ignacio Castillo is the ISTAS 2024 Program Chair.
Visit the Conference website HERE.