In “Finding the Wonder Woman Within,” values like courage, wonder, equality, grace, and power are addressed, often in very powerful ways.

In “Finding the Wonder Woman Within,” values like courage, wonder, equality, grace, and power are addressed, often in very powerful ways.
While societal change often takes place over extended periods of time, at key times in the history of human society, innovation can be accelerated by a combination of necessity and serendipity. We are currently experiencing such an accelerated transition.
Some years ago, a sweet grandma in my (Christine’s) neighborhood was convinced that one of her neighbors was involved in… Read More
These remarks were delivered by IEEE President and CEO J. Roberto B. de Marca at the 2014 IEEE Ethics Conference,… Read More
The year 1962 saw the publication of at least three important works related to technology and society. Rachel Carson, a… Read More
“So will computers be smarter than humans? It depends on what you consider to be a computer and what you… Read More
It appears that humanity’s great challenge for this century is to extend cooperative human values and institutions to autonomous technology… Read More