Access Volume 3 Issue 4 Special Issue: After COVID-19: Crises, Ethics and Socio-Technical ChangeSpecial Issue: After COVID-19: Crises, Ethics and Socio-Technical Change
What Happens to COVID-19 Data After the Pandemic? Socio-Technical Lessons by Katina Michael and Roba Abbas
Guest Editorial
After COVID-19: Crises, Ethics, and Socio-Technical Change by Rafael A. Calvo, Sebastian Deterding, Catherine Flick, Christoph Lütge, Alison Powell and Karina V. Vold
Special Issue Papers
Computing and Modeling After COVID-19: More Responsible, Less Technical by Ehsan Nabavi
COVID-19 Impacts in the New Technological Era: Cross-Border Privacy Issues With Emphasis on AI by Stavroula Rizou; Eugenia Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou and Konstantinos E. Psannis
Assessing Trustworthy AI in Times of COVID-19: Deep Learning for Predicting a Multiregional Score Conveying the Degree of Lung Compromise in COVID-19 Patients by Himanshi Allahabadi; Julia Amann; Isabelle Balot; Andrea Beretta; Charles Binkley; Jonas Bozenhard; Frédérick Bruneault; James Brusseau; Sema Candemir; Luca Alessandro Cappellini; Subrata Chakraborty; Nicoleta Cherciu; Christina Cociancig; Megan Coffee; Irene Ek; Leonardo Espinosa-Leal; Davide Farina; Geneviève Fieux-Castagnet; Thomas Frauenfelder; Alessio Gallucci; Guya Giuliani; Adam Golda; Irmhild van Halem; Elisabeth Hildt; Sune Holm; Georgios Kararigas; Sébastien A. Krier; Ulrich Kühne; Francesca Lizzi; Vince I. Madai; Aniek F. Markus; Serg Masis; Emilie Wiinblad Mathez; Francesco Mureddu; Emanuele Neri; Walter Osika; Matiss Ozols; Cecilia Panigutti; Brendan Parent; Francesca Pratesi; Pedro A. Moreno-Sánchez; Giovanni Sartor; Mattia Savardi; Alberto Signoroni; Hanna-Maria Sormunen; Andy Spezzatti; Adarsh Srivastava; Annette F. Stephansen; Lau Bee Theng; Jesmin Jahan Tithi; Jarno Tuominen; Steven Umbrello; Filippo Vaccher; Dennis Vetter; Magnus Westerlund; Renee Wurth and Roberto V. Zicari
Tracking Anti-Vax Social Movement Using AI-Based Social Media Monitoring by Fahim K. Sufi; Imran Razzak and Ibrahim Khalil
Individuality and Fairness in Public Health Surveillance Technology: A Survey of User Perceptions in Contact Tracing Apps by Ellen Hohma; Ryan Burnell; Caitlin C. Corrigan and Christoph Luetge
Biometrics in the Era of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities by Marta Gomez-Barrero; Pawel Drozdowski; Christian Rathgeb; Jose Patino; Massimiliano Todisco; Andreas Nautsch; Naser Damer; Jannier Priesnitz; Nicholas Evans and Christoph Busch
Social Sensing for Personalized Orienteering Mediating the Need for Sociality and the Risk of COVID-19 by Giovanni Pilato; Fabio Persia; Mouzhi Ge and Daniela D’Auria