Fixing AI With Interdisciplinary Approaches
Advancing Gender Equality Through Interdisciplinarity
August 28, 2024FILED UNDER: Articles, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Commentary, Human Impacts, Magazine Articles, Social Implications of Technology, Societal Impact
There is a clear parallel between conceptualizations of comedy clubs and AI labs as masculine spaces, and jokes and technology as for men. As Sutko writes, [AI] technology often gets equated with “men’s power,” while women and girls are portrayed as less technologically skilled and less interested than their male counterparts. Such stereotypes can contribute to the gender gap in women’s participation in related fields.
Introducing the Editorial Board—Part II
August 15, 2024FILED UNDER: Articles, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Impacts, Magazine Articles, News and Notes, Social Implications of Technology, Societal Impact
Welcome to the second installment of “Meet the Editorial Board.” We are delighted to introduce you to some more members of the IEEE Technology and Society Magazine’s editorial board.
Advancing Science and Technology Policy
July 30, 2024FILED UNDER: Articles, Magazine Articles, President's Message, Social Implications of Technology
Most Congressional leaders are lawyers who lack a science and technology (S&T) background, yet we expect them to make decisions in regard to S&T legislation.
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ISTAS 2024
September 18 - September 202024 IEEE Conference on Digital Platforms and Societal Harms
October 14 - October 15
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September 9, 2024FILED UNDER: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blog Posts, Call for Papers, Conferences, Human Impacts, Social Implications of Technology, Societal Impact, SSIT Announcements
The theme of ISTAS 2024 is the Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). SSIT invites participation from practitioners in academia, industry, and government who contemplate the impacts of technology on today’s society in the areas of ethics, sustainability, and equity, and who particularly examine social values within the tech industry.