- This event has passed.
August 10, 2017 - August 11, 2017

IEEE ISTAS 2017 Program incorporates a mix of keynote presentations, paper and oral presentations and a closing panel discussion with mutli-disciplinary presenters from Asia, Canada, Europe, Oceania and US. Sessions focus on sharing insights and experiences around Trust, Build Environment, Healthy Living and Accessibility and Ethics and Policy. Click here to download the Program.
Keynote speeches include:
- Humans, Machines, and Work: The Future is Now – Dr Moshe Vardi, George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering and Director of the Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology, Rice University, United States
- Science Diplomacy: A Path for Scientists and Engineers to Make Global Societal Impacts – Dr. Fahmida Chowdhury, Program Director, Office of International Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation, United States
- Robots that Need to Mislead: Biologically-inspired Machine Deception – Dr Ron Arkin, FIEEE, Regents’ Professor, College of Computing and Director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory, Georgia Tech, United States
- Autononous Weapons: Impacts beyond Combat and Conscience beyond Poker – Dr. Philip Chmielewski, Professor and Sir Thomas More Chair of Engineering Ethics, Seaver College of Science and Engineering, Loyola Marymount University, United States
- Technology, Humans, and Enclosure – Dr. Greg Adamson, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia and 2015-2016 President, IEEE-SSIT
Panelists include:
- Paul Cunningham, IIMC, Ireland / SSIT President (2017 – 2018)
- Dr. Kathleen A. Kramer, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of San Diego, United States and 2016-17 Director of IEEE Region 6 (Western USA)
- Prof. San Murugesan, Director, BRITE Professional Services, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE IT Professional, Editor, IEEE Computer and Cloud Cover column and Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University, Australia
- Dr Celia Shahnaz, BUET, Bangladesh / Co-chair, IEEE WIE Workshops Subcommittee
- Dr Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, University of Kansas, United States / Chair, IEEE WIE
- Sainab Taiwo Ninalowo, ComEd, USA and Chair, IEEE PES Women in Power
- Dr Takoi K Hamrita, University of Georgia USA and IEEE WIE Liason to IEEE USA
- Narelle Clark, ACCAN, Australia
- Dr Katina Michael, University of Wollongong, Australia
- Ramalatha Marimuthu, Chair, IEEE SSIT WIE Subcommittee
- Susan M. Brooks, Executive Director, IEEE Communications Society
- Gordan Day, IEEE President 2012
- Russ Harrison, Director, Government Relations, IEEE-USA
- John Lewis, UNSW, Australia
- Dr Pradeep Ray, University of Michigan Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Brian Traynor, Mount Royal University, Canada and IEEE Professional Communication Society
- Jeff Voas, IEEE Reliability Society
IEEE ISTAS 2017 takes place in Sydney Boulevard Hotel on 10 and 11 August 2017. Please visit the ISTAS 2017 website for more information.