Access Volume 3, Issue 1, 2022 – Special Issue on Biometrics and AI Bias
Biometrics and AI Bias by Katina Michael, Roba Abbas, Payyazhi Jayashree, Ruwan J. Bandara and Anas Aloudat
Special Issue Papers
U.S. Adult Perspectives on Facial Images, DNA, and Other Biometrics by Sara H. Katsanis, Peter Claes, Megan Doerr, Robert Cook-Deegan, Jessica D. Tenenbaum, Barbara J. Evans, Myoung Keun Lee, Joel Anderton, Seth M. Weinberg and Jennifer K. Wagner
A Comprehensive Study on Face Recognition Biases Beyond Demographics by Philipp Terhörst, Jan Niklas Kolf, Marco Huber, Florian Kirchbuchner, Naser Damer, Aythami Morales Moreno, Julian Fierrez and Arjan Kuijper
AI and Blackness: Toward Moving Beyond Bias and Representation by Christopher L. Dancy and P. Khalil Saucier
Likelihood of Questioning AI-Based Recommendations Due to Perceived Racial/Gender Bias by Carlos M. Parra, Manjul Gupta and Denis Dennehy
Regular Papers
Delegation of Moral Tasks to Automated Agents—The Impact of Risk and Context on Trusting a Machine to Perform a Task by Gian Luca Liehner, Philipp Brauner, Anne Kathrin Schaar and Martina Ziefle
Identifying Key Development Stages of the STEM Career Pipeline by Ralph C. Tillinghast and Mo Mansouri
Oh No, Not Another Trolley! On the Need for a Co-Liberative Consciousness in CS Pedagogy by Rua M. Williams, Simone Smarr, Diandra Prioleau and Juan E. Gilbert