Entering 2021, SSIT expressed appreciation to outgoing President Bob Dent, who was credited with putting the society on a strong financial footing over the past two years, and welcomed incoming President Clint Andrews to new two year term.
Bob Dent, who has served IEEE in many distinguished roles over more than half a century, will become Past President of SSIT, with responsibilities for nominations and strategic planning.
Clint Andrews has been an active volunteer for IEEE and SSIT for many years. His first IEEE experience was in Power & Energy Society, but he soon gravitated to SSIT. He organized ISTAS in 1996 and thereafter serving as SSIT president, Division VI director, Ethics & Member Conduct Committee chair, and in many other roles.
Clint said he hopes during his presidency that SSIT will to continue to improve its organizational performance, advance the society’s unique and cross-cutting role within the IEEE, and expand its reach.
Andrews has an undergraduate engineering degree from Brown University, a Masters degree in technology and policy from M.I.T., and a doctorate in planning from M.I.T. He is a Sigma Xi member and maintains licensure as a professional engineer. He is a Fellow of AAAS and received the IEEE Third Millennium Medal and IEEE SSIT Brian O’Connell Distinguished Service Award.
Clint is a professor of urban planning and policy development at Rutgers University, where he directs the public informatics degree program and the Center for Green Building, while also serving as his school’s associate dean for research. He previously worked in the private sector and taught at Princeton. His research addresses behavioral, policy and planning questions related to how we use the built environment. His current focus is on social implications of, first, the long-sought clean energy transition, and, second, emerging smart city technologies.