Jeremy Pitt received a PhD in Computer Science from the Department of Computing at Imperial College London in 1991. He was appointed to a Lectureship in Department Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London in 1996, where he is now a Reader in Intelligent Systems and Deputy Head of the Intelligent Systems and Networks group.
Dr. Pitt has published more than 150 refereed journal, conference and workshop papers, and his work has been supported with £5M research funding from more than 30 research grants funded primarily by UK and European agencies. His research focuses on specifying formal models of social processes for implementing self-organising electronic institutions, and investigates ideas of human-infrastructure interaction, design contractualism, computational justice, and interoceptive collective awareness.
He is also concerned with the impact of technology on society impact, and edited the volume “This Pervasive Day” (IC Press, 2012). He is an Associate Editor of ACM TAAS (Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems) and IEEE Technology & Society Magazine, and is a Senior Member of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), a Fellow of the UK BCS (British Computer Society) and a Fellow of the UK IET (Institute for Engineering and Technology).