IEEE Senior Member
IEEE TEMS liaison to SSIT Board
IEEE SSIT Distinguished Lecturer (since 2014)
Co-founder of the joint (IEEE SSIT-IEEE CS STC e-Gov) Cyber-Ethics and Cyber Peace initiative (since 2015)
IEEE Roles:
2019-2021 IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors
2017-2018 IEEE Computer Society MGA Board, Vice Chair
2017-2018 IEEE Computer Society STC Executive Committee, Chair
2017-2018 IEEE Computer Society MGA Board, Vice Chair
2017-2018 IEEE Computer Society STC Executive Committee, Chair
IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Society Board of Directors
SSIT 5 Pillars Interest:
Humanitarian/development, Sustainability, Technology Access, Ethics, Impact of Emerging Technology
Humanitarian/development, Sustainability, Technology Access, Ethics, Impact of Emerging Technology