From Good Ideas to Practical Solutions: The Changing Nature of Participation in Our Evolving Digital Landscape/Istock

September 2018

Special Issue on ISTAS 2017 - From Good Ideas to Practical Solutions

How do we develop “good” technological concepts that solve a particular problem or fulfill a defined need? How can these designs be translated into pragmatic technological solutions that are beneficial to individuals and society? How do we detect, plan for, and limit any adverse implications? Are there any additional and perhaps previously unaccounted for considerations, particularly when reflecting on technological developments in fields such as Artificial Intelligence?

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Losing Our Senses Online
Fiona Carroll, Margaret Webb, and Simon Cropper
* Refereed Article
Engaging Young Children as Application Design Partners
Roba Abbas, Holly Tootell, Mark Freeman, and Grant Ellmers
* Refereed Article
Ethical Autonomous Weapons? Practical Required Functions
Philip Chmielewski
* Refereed Article
Values, Axial Currencies, and Computational Axiology
Jeremy Pitt, John Henry Clippinger, and Carsten Sørensen
* Refereed Article
D2D-Based Survival on Sharing for Enhanced Disaster Time Connectivity
Navrati Saxena, Mamta Agiwal, Hasnah Ahmad, and Abhishek Roy
* Refereed Article

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