Graeme Clark, the inventor of the c ochlear implant, with Bryn Davey and Scott Smith, the first two children in the world to receive the device.

Creating the Bionic Ear

June 2017

Special Issue: Thinking Machines in the Physical World - IEEE 2016 Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century

Vol. 36, No. 2

“The power to do good is also the power to do harm.” [–Milton Friedman]

Norbert Wiener knew that smart machines and robots would contribute to improvements in human lives. He was also keenly aware of potential downsides, from dehumanization, to time-stress, to loss of jobs to robots. Articles in this issue closely examine our relationships to these technologies in the early 21st Century.


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Guest Editorial
Speaking Out Against Socially Destructive Technologies
Katina Michael, Heather A. Love, and Judy Wajcman  
Bots Trending Now
Katina Michael  
Book Review
Pressed for Time
Brian Martin  
Book Review
Not So Fast
Katina Michael  
Can We Program Ethics into AI?
Keith Miller  
Leading Edge
Algorithmic Bias: Addressing Growing Concerns
Ansgar Koene  
Black Mirror
Doug Hill  
Thinking Machines in the Physical World
Arthur Winston  
The Dangers of Distributed Intelligence
Peter Zilahy Ingerman  
Are Technologies Innocent? : Part Seven: Conclusion
Michael Arnold ; Christopher Pearce
* Refereed Article
Last Word
Intentionality: Value Apart from the Machine
Christine Perakslis  


Gendered Robots: Implications for Our Humanoid Future
Simone Alesich ; Michael Rigby
* Refereed Article
Self-Driving Cars: Ethical Responsibilities of Design Engineers
Jason Borenstein ; Joseph Herkert ; Keith Miller
* Refereed Article
How a Drug and Explosives Detector Proved Useless: Military Use of the GT200
W. Luis Mochan ; A. Ramirez-Solis
* Refereed Article

NOTE: Most IEEE Technology and Society Magazine columns and department articles are publicly accessible at no charge. Click on the title of any non-refereed article to read.

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