Technology and Analytics for Global Development: Transforming Agriculture, Empowering Sustainable Livelihoods, and Ensuring Planetary Well-Being

By on November 30th, 2024 in Articles, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Case Studies, Editorial & Opinion, Environment, Ethics, Health & Medical, Human Impacts, Magazine Articles, Social Implications of Technology, Societal Impact

Dennis Dennehy, Joseph Walsh, Jacqueline Corbett, Samuel Fosso Wamba, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi

Sustainable Global Development has been of great concern for decades, yet the world continues to grapple with this “wicked problem” [1]. The United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) present a global agenda that is inherently complex, multifaceted, and socially embedded. As if the SDGs were not ambitious enough, the 2020s ushered in the age of policy crisis [2] characterized by the COVID-19 pandemic, armed conflicts and forced migration, and catastrophic effects of climate change, such as unprecedented flooding, droughts, and severe weather events. No one is immune to the effects of these crises as millions of people and the planet are suffering. Urgent, informed action is required to ensure that human rights are protected, that people can live in good health and security and thrive in meaningful livelihoods, and that the planet continues to offer a hospitable environment for all living things in the planetary ecosystem.

Digital information and communications technologies are a powerful catalyst for sustainability. Through their ability to collect and process data, digital technologies can automate critical processes and complicated tasks to improve efficiency and inform better decision-making at all levels.

Moreover, by utilizing the hyperconnectivity of the internet and high-bandwidth wireless networking capabilities (e.g., 5G cellular), digital technologies can connect and empower diverse stakeholders in all corners of the planet, allowing them to share expertise and experiences and find common ground for moving forward. Digital technologies can play a positive role in the achievement of each of the 17 SDGs, from reducing poverty and hunger, ensuring good health and education, protecting the land, air, and waters, and ensuring economic well-being, peace, and justice. In some situations, we have already started to see ontological reversal in sustainability [3], where digital representations precede and shape the physical reality. This is the case, for instance, with digital twins and simulations, where complex scenarios fueled by big data and artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to develop and test hypotheses regarding the effects of different social and environmental interventions. Despite some concerns about the double-edged nature of technology when it comes to sustainability, there is a relatively high degree of optimism around the role of technology and analytics in the context of global development [4].

Adaptation and sustainability are essential, enabled by technologies that optimize crop production, improve quality, and protect the environment.

Still, there are many unanswered questions about how best to use digital technologies and analytics as “platforms that mediate development” [5]. The complex and interdependent nature of social, environmental, and economic sustainability goals also inevitably creates tensions in the design and implementation of digital technology solutions that can lead to design-reality gaps [6]. Given the urgency for informed action, a concerted effort within and between academic disciplines, policymakers, practitioners, and the intended beneficiaries of the SDGs will help to discover and create better ways to achieve these global goals.

Overview of Istas23

The IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). ISTAS is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary forum for academics, policymakers, entrepreneurs, philosophers, researchers, social scientists, and technologists to collaborate, exchange experiences, and discuss the social implications of technology. IEEE ISTAS is a prestigious international conference, which rotates around the world.

ISTAS23 was hosted by Swansea University on the beachside in beautiful Wales from 13 to 15 September 2023. ISTAS23 brought together contributions from a variety of perspectives, disciplines, and communities for the advancement of knowledge regarding technology and analytics for global development. It provided a platform for active participation from academics and practitioners who are advancing knowledge about the role and significance of technology and analytics, and who are interested in making the world a better place—for all. The program included 63 author presentations, four keynote presentations, four workshops, and a public seminar. Twenty-nine countries were represented at the conference.

Overview of This Special Issue

We initiated this special issue following the conference to highlight innovative and essential work underway on technology and analytics for global development. The panoply of important Adaptation and sustainability are essential, enabled by technologies that optimize crop production, improve quality, and protect the environment. topics discussed at ISTAS23 presented a difficult, but welcome challenge of deciding the theme for this special issue. We decided to focus our attention on research situated at the intersection of agriculture, digital technologies, and society. According to the United Nations 2023 report [2], achievement of SDG 2—Zero Hunger is at risk. More than 600 million people are projected to experience hunger in 2023, causing cascading problems for human and social development. Many countries are grappling with rising food prices, with climate changes and armed conflicts exacerbating food insecurity. Thus, the need for innovative technology-based solutions is more important than ever to increase agricultural productivity, ensure efficient and effective food supply chains, and minimize harmful environmental impacts.

At the same time, modern agriculture faces significant challenges, from managing complex food production variables to dealing with unpredictable factors such as weather. Global geopolitical issues can also perturb agricultural supply chains, with issues such as volatility in energy prices, animal feed, and fertilizer supply significantly impacting farm operations’ viability. Furthermore, with the significant focus on net zero and national and international regulatory changes, there is external pressure on farms. Adaptation and sustainability are essential, enabled by technologies that optimize crop production, improve quality, and protect the environment.

Application Areas of Agri-Tech

Prior to introducing the five articles contained in this special issue, we summarize some key application areas where research and industry efforts on digital agricultural technologies, known as agri-tech, are making important inroads.

Application Area 1: From Labor-Intensive to Technology-Intensive Farming

In the rapidly evolving fields of animal science and agriculture, emerging technologies such as AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) are fostering sustainable practices and protecting our planet. These innovations, ranging from data analytics and advanced sensors to drones, machine learning (ML), and robotics, are revolutionizing modern agriculture, making it more efficient and environmentally friendly. Digital technologies, such as ML, AI, IoT, data analytics and decision support systems, and robotics, are revolutionizing modern agriculture, making it more efficient and environmentally sustainable. For instance, AI algorithms can support crop yield prediction and early identification of disease outbreaks, while IoT devices can be used to monitor soil health and optimize water usage. Drones are being used for precise planting and spraying, while robotic systems automate labor-intensive tasks. Despite the great potential of agri-tech, the sector faces many challenges in implementing advanced digital technologies [7]. Thus, research that supports practice is a cornerstone for global development. Ireland’s agri-tech sector exemplifies how innovation can drive both economic growth and sustainability. With annual exports worth a quarter of a billion euros, the Irish agri-tech sector contributes significantly to global agriculture. Companies are developing cutting-edge solutions that enhance farming profitability and sustainability. In Ireland, a 65% increase in the value of primary production to almost €10 billion by 2025 is projected, and 23,000 additional direct jobs in the agri-food sector all along the supply chain [8] are expected, showcasing the transformative potential of technology in making agriculture a sustainable, value-added industry.

Application Area 2: Resilient Agri-Food Supply Chain

Agri-tech is transforming the agri-food supply chain from seed planting and crop harvesting to livestock breeding, disease management, and the logistics of transportation and sales. This sector is expanding rapidly, driven by global challenges such as population growth, lifestyle changes in emerging economies, and geopolitical tensions over resources such as land, water, and energy. These pressures demand innovative solutions to enhance supply chain resilience [9], [10], climate-resilient crops, efficiency, and sustainability throughout the agri-food system. This is evidenced by the emergence of the circular bioeconomy, which embraces the sustainable production of biomass and side streams and their conversation into high-value bio-based products using green chemistry. AI and IoT have significant potential for mapping, monitoring, and predicting biomass supply and composition to enable the creation of new value chains from agriculture to high-value sectors such as food, nutraceuticals, biobased chemicals, and pharmaceuticals while respecting planetary boundaries and ecosystem services. Secure information flow and data integrity are also vital for building trust in the food supply chain.

Application Area 3: Smart Technologies in Animal Science

Affordable and advanced sensor technologies are being used in animal science to collect extensive amounts of data, which AI and ML systems can analyze to help farmers make informed decisions about their herds. This approach benefits producers, consumers, and the environment alike. By integrating these smart technologies into their practices, farmers can monitor animal health, track behavioral patterns, and optimize feeding schedules, leading to improved animal welfare and productivity. Agri-tech innovations support sustainable animal farming practices by reducing the use of resources such as water and feed, minimizing waste, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, agri-tech not only enhances farm profitability but also contributes to food security and environmental conservation, ensuring a resilient agricultural system for future generations.

Application Area 4: Smart Farming and Sustainable Agriculture

Agri-tech solutions, such as autonomous tractors, harvesting robots, robotic milking systems, blockchain (i.e., traceability), drones (i.e., precision spraying and aerial surveillance), and connected sensors and devices, enable “smart farming,” which can significantly improve agricultural productivity, sustainability, and its impact on the environment [11]. Agri-tech solutions are pivotal in promoting sustainable agriculture by enhancing crop yields, optimizing resource use, and reducing environmental and carbon footprints. They also support biodiversity by enabling more efficient and less intrusive farming practices. As sustainable agriculture is faced with the challenge of meeting food production targets, which are predicted to increase by 70% by 2050 to feed the world’s growing population [12], agritech will be crucial. For instance, the Farm Zero C project in Ireland [13], which aims to create the first zero-carbon dairy farm, is taking a systems approach that looks at the farm holistically with multiple intervention points, including soil health, crop and grass varieties, fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) and water use, animal health (feed and breeds), grass biorefining, and valorization of side streams via biogas production for on-farm energy sufficiency. The projected integrated life cycle assessment and carbon mapping provide synergistic pathways to achieving net zero. The volume of data and required analytics and modeling depends on digital tools to map, monitor, and predict on-farm performances across the supply chain [14].

Articles in the Special Issue

Authors who presented thought-provoking, agritech-oriented research at ISTAS23 were invited to submit extended versions of their articles to this special issue. The extended articles underwent at least two rounds of a double-blind peer review process. Five articles were accepted and comprise this special issue. We are delighted with the fruits of these labors and excited to share the articles with you. The articles advance understanding of the role of agritech in achieving several of the SDGs by showcasing innovative digital solutions and use cases of the technologies discussed above while also acknowledging the immense pressures on the agri-tech sector and implications for society and the global economy. A common thread across the articles is the importance and value of approaching research from a sociotechnical perspective.

In our first feature article, Kiropoulos and Bibi [A1] investigate why, despite the benefits that smart farming provides, adoption rates vary throughout the world. This study explores the smart farming technology adoption process in European countries by collecting survey data from European farmers, cooperatives, and technology suppliers and on-site observations from a pilot project utilizing smart farming technology in Greece. The study identifies adoption motivators, influential relationships between the tasks and technology, the challenges of using smart farming technologies, and the reported benefits of using smart farming technology. Building on the insights garnered from the data, the authors develop a novel three-phase (i.e., plan, design, and assessment) engineering cycle-based smart farming technology method that farmers (and technology providers) can use as a guide to adopt, adapt, and implement such technologies.

In the second article, Sikounmo et al. [A2] describe how an AI model can enable image analysis to facilitate disease detection, which, in turn, benefits society. The authors make a compelling case, outlining why plant leaf infections are a threat to global production that affects not only farmers but also consumers in developed and developing countries. Early detection and treatment of plant leaf diseases are essential to promote healthy plant growth in agriculture and ensure sufficient supply for the global markets. The authors also highlight the challenges (i.e., production of bananas, palm oil, and cotton) facing African societies, with rich examples in the context of Cameroon, for example, the devastating effect of pests and pathogens (plant pathogens, vertebrates, insects, nematodes, and weeds) on crops and stored goods and low agricultural productivity in general.

In the third article, turning to the realm of effective management and use of water resources, Caliskan et al. [A3] demonstrate the importance of approaching water management from a socioecological-technical perspective and its significance for social, environmental, and economic sustainability. The study showcases how AI can provide new analytical capabilities to monitor and safeguard water resources by analyzing ecosystems tracking water quality and detecting contamination. The authors design and implement an Al-based framework that can be an effective approach in the field of water quality monitoring and pollution prediction. The study shows promising results and evidence of how research in this field can contribute to the sustainability of water resources and the development of environmental protection efforts. The authors conclude that engagement with communities and raising public awareness ensures that a variety of needs and viewpoints are addressed, which, in turn, foster fairness and social justice.

In the fourth article, Robbiani and Törn [A4] explore vertical farming systems as a transformative approach to food production, particularly within urban environments. The benefits of vertical farming systems include reduced land use, significantly lower water consumption, zero pesticide emissions, and controlled environments ensuring consistent product quality. Such benefits are often overshadowed by its high energy consumption, high initial capital and cost, and policy and socioeconomic factors. In response, the authors focus on resource use efficiency by reducing energy costs related to indoor production systems. Using an experimental setup, the study investigates plant growth under diverse light cycles and explores innovative solutions that could significantly impact energy efficiency and cost reduction for the vertical farming industry. The authors conclude with a call for continued research, engagement, and policy support to overcome current challenges and establish a resilient and sustainable production system.

To prepare for the future of agriculture, the upskilling of agritech companies, farm organizations, and end users will be a priority.

In the fifth article, Kaushik et al. [A5] apply sentiment analytics to study comments on YouTube related to smart farming. The authors highlight the importance of monitoring the sentiment of farmers and the general public toward innovations in the agri-tech sector to allow for a responsive adaptation to changes and enhance future projects. This study explores dimensions in the research space, such as the suitability of analyzing and identifying user sentiment through comments. It investigates the feasibility of developing an ML- and AI-based automated sentiment analysis system that can alleviate the workload of human analysts and expedite the analysis process. The authors provide a step-by-step approach, which enables them to determine which ML model and vectorization techniques achieve the best performance on the data set used for the analysis of sentiment.

The future of agriculture lies in the seamless integration of emerging technologies into a cohesive system, which ensures that food is produced sustainably, safely, and efficiently. Leveraging data from early production stages and enhancing processes throughout the supply chain will be key. Technologies such as AI, IoT, GPS, and autonomous systems will support agriculture by improving infrastructure, boosting efficiency, and reducing labor costs. Advanced robotics and AI-driven machinery can perform tasks with precision and consistency, minimizing waste, and maximizing yields. Meanwhile, innovations in genetic engineering and biotechnology promise crops that are more resilient to climate change and pests. Blockchain technology could provide traceability, ensuring transparency and trust in food sourcing and distribution. In addition, urban agriculture and vertical farming in smart cities will bring fresh produce closer to consumers, reducing transportation emissions and costs. As these technologies converge, they will transform the agricultural landscape, making farming more adaptable to the challenges of a growing global population and shifting environmental conditions.

To prepare for the future of agriculture, the upskilling of agri-tech companies, farm organizations, and end users will be a priority. Targeted education should cover topics such as AI, robotics, integration, predictive maintenance, IoT fundamentals, precision agriculture, data analytics, and sustainable farming. Agri-tech companies and farm organizations will require training on integrating these smart technologies and knowing how to interpret and leverage data for decision-making to increase yields and improve sustainability. To this end, strategic partnerships between educational institutions, research centers, and industry leaders enabling the development of tailored curricula and certification programs could be highly beneficial. ISTAS23 and this special issue have taken a step in that direction, and we hope that the momentum will continue to build. Investing in education and upskilling will drive economic growth and resilience, accelerating the transition to a sustainable, efficient, and profitable agricultural system, and addressing global food security challenges.

Advancements in AI and IoT are revolutionizing animal science and agriculture, ushering in an era of unprecedented sustainability, efficiency, and environmental management. Embracing cutting-edge technologies and taking a systems innovation approach that looks at agriculture as an interconnected and interdependent system of variables while embracing new “green” operational models such as the circular bioeconomy are not merely advantageous but imperative for meeting the demands of a burgeoning global population while preserving our planet’s delicate ecosystems. The integration of sustainability principles, alongside practices promoting sustainable livelihoods and agriculture, constitutes a comprehensive strategy to tackle urgent global challenges. By prioritizing environmentally responsible, socially equitable, and economically viable approaches, we can chart a path for a future where both human prosperity and planetary health thrive harmoniously. This synergy promises a world where agriculture not only sustains but also regenerates the Earth’s resources, ensuring a resilient and prosperous future for generations to come.

We hope that our special issue provides a platform to kickstart fruitful engagements with all stakeholders.

Appendix: Related Articles

  • [A1] K. Kiropoulos and S. Bibi, “Smart farming adoption in Europe,” IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 51–64, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.1109/ MTS.2024.3443542.
  • [A2] F. X. Sikounmo, C. Deffo, and C. T. Djamegni, “Social and environmental impact of a plant disease analysis method based on object extraction,” IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 65–71, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.1109/ MTS.2024.3455110.
  • [A3] A. Caliskan, J. Walsh, and D. Riordan, “River network biological monitoring with Al,” IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 72–80, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.1109/MTS.2024.3443465.
  • [A4] G. Robbiani and E. Törn, “Intermittent light scheduling for energy cost reduction in vertical farming,” IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 81–90, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.1109/ MTS.2024.3455103.
  • [A5] A. Kaushik et al., “Harvesting insights: Sentiment analysis on smart farming YouTube comments for user engagement and agricultural innovation,” IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 91–100, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.1109/MTS.2024.3455754.

Author Information

Denis Dennehy is an associate professor in business analytics and the School Research lead with the School of Management, Swansea University, SA1 8EN Swansea, U.K. His research interests include mediating role of technologies and analytics, and its implications for people, organisations, and society. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. Email:

Joseph Walsh is the head of the School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and the director of the Intelligent Mechatronics and RFID (IMaR) Research Centre and the AgriTech Centre of Excellence (ACE), Munster Technological
University, Kerry, V92 HD4V Ireland. His research experience encompasses the field of intelligent mechatronics and sensors.

Jacqueline Corbett is a professor of management information systems at the Faculty of Business Administration, Université Laval, Québec City, QC G1V 0A6, Canada. Her research interests include multidisciplinary and multimethod approaches to investigate questions related to digital technologies in the areas of clean energy, sustainable development, and indigenous innovation and business. Corbett has a PhD from Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Samuel Fosso Wamba is a full professor and the associate dean for Research at Toulouse Business School, 31068 Toulouse, France. He is also a distinguished visiting professor at the University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. His current research interests include the business value of information technology, interorganizational systems’ adoption, use and impacts, supply chain management,
electronic commerce, blockchain, artificial intelligence for business, social media, business analytics, big data, and open data. Wamba has a PhD in industrial engineering from the Polytechnic School of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Yogesh K. Dwivedi is a professor of digital marketing and innovation at the School of Management, Swansea University, SA1 8EN Swansea, U.K. His research interests include the interface of information systems and marketing, focusing on issues related to consumer adoption and diffusion of emerging digital innovations, digital government, and digital and social media marketing particularly in the context of emerging markets. Dwivedi has an MSc and a PhD in information systems from Brunel University London, Uxbridge, U.K.



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