This year, 2022, marks 50 years of history within IEEE for the Society on Social Implications of Technology. We were established as a committee of the Technical Activities Board in 1972, and in 1982 became a society.
It is a moment to reflect on what has transpired in the realm of technology and society over this time, and on the accomplishments of SSIT and its members in helping to guide technological development in directions that benefit humanity. What have we achieved?
It is also a moment to look forward and imagine what the next 50 years will bring. What should SSIT be doing now to prepare for that future?
We welcome participation by everyone who has an interest or stake in issues related to technology and society – which is all of us. This page identifies relevant 50th anniversary activities, events, and resources.
Read: “Fifty Years of Good Trouble” by SSIT President Clinton Andrews from IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, March 2022.

Nevada Test Site, Wikimedia/Ken Lund; The Cuyahoga River, Wikimedia/Ken Lund; Social problems caused by bad design choices within social media, Wikimedia/ Juliana Castro for an article by Juan Ortiz Freuler; John Lewis, Wikimedia/U.S. House of Representatives.
Read: “50 Years Hence” by SSIT President Clinton Andrews, from IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, June 2022.
SSIT 50th Anniversary Events and Activities
ISTAS 2022, November 10-12, 2022
SSIT 50th anniversary conference sessions (virtual):IEEE Technology and Society
Transformational Achievers and Achievements (Session 5)
Voices of the End-Users (Session 6)
Plenary: In celebration of SSIT’s 50th Anniversary
A Panel of IEEE Society Presidents will discuss how advancements in Science and Technology have affected IDH and Society over the past 50 years.
Moderator: IEEE-SSIT President-Elect, Dr. Luis Kun
Invited Panelists:
- Metin Akay, IEEE EMBS current President
- Rakesh Kumar, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Past President (2012-1013)
- Dr. Cecilia Metra, 2022-2023 IEEE Division V Director, IEEE Computer Society Past President (2019),
- Saifur Rahman, 2022 IEEE President Elect and IEEE Power & Energy Society Past President (2018-2019)
Also at ISTAS 2022:
Toni Robbi, 1972-1973 CSIT Chair, 1987-1988 SSIT President (https://www.linkedin.com/in/
On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of SSIT, SSIT President-Elect Luis Kun Congratulates the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) of Argentina, celebrating their 20th year. Click here: Luis Kun Congratulates CIS
IEEE SSIT Student Activities Committee – SSIT 50th Anniversary Programming
Meet the Leader: IEEE SSIT President Clinton J. Andrews – SSIT SAC Webinar – June 30, 2022, 4:30 pm Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada)
SSIT President Clinton J. Andrews – Meet the Leader – SSIT SAC Webinar
Past SSIT 50th Anniversary Events:
June 21-23, 2022, Denver, CO, U.S.A. : SSIT 50th Anniversary Booth at IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), https://ims-ieee.org/
Timelines, Origins, and History of SSIT
Click here to view minutes of the IEEE TAB meeting held June 24, 1972, at which the IEEE Committee on Social Implications of Technology was established.
Click HERE to read the IEEE History Center timeline of SSIT events and early documents, as well as a excerpts from an article about the history of SSIT.
Read: CSIT – A Eulogy, by Jeff Bogumil
Click here to view timeline of past ISTAS conferences.
Click here to browse timeline of 50 years of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine covers.
Click here to view past IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society covers.
Click here to view short SSIT video that includes information about history of SSIT
Chapter Chair Statements (to come)
Get Involved!
Join IEEE SSIT! Existing IEEE members – students join SSIT for only $4, other IEEE members add SSIT membership for only $33 using this link.
Attend the 2022 International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS22)
Learn More About SSIT:
WATCH: An Introduction to SSIT