In a September 2018 vote, the IEEE-SSIT Board of Governors elected Bob Dent as President-Elect of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). He will assume the office of SSIT President on January 1, 2019, for a two-year term ending December 31, 2020.
Mr. Dent is a long-time member of the IEEE, the Power and Energy Society (PES), the Industry Applications Society, and the Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). He was a member of the 2000 IEEE Board of Directors as IEEE Vice President, Technical Activities. He has served on the IEEE Publications Board and in many other IEEE volunteer positions.
“I am looking forward to being the president of IEEE SSIT,” Dent said. “This a wonderful opportunity.” He continued: “The mission of the SSIT is relevant to all of the other Societies of IEEE. My cause will be to have SSIT form cooperative relationships with other IEEE Societies to find common cause with our mission. My purpose is to raise the Society’s visibility within the IEEE. I hope this will increase membership and revenue.”
In his extensive history as an active IEEE volunteer, Bob was also President of the Power and Energy Society in 1996-1997, Director Division VII in 1992-1993, and Chair of the IEEE New York Section in 1989-1990. He is the currently the Chair of the IEEE History Committee for 2018-2019.
During his career Mr. Dent worked in the electric utility industry. He held technical and/or managerial positions at the United Illuminating Co., Gibbs & Hill Inc., New York Power Authority (NYPA), and IEEE. He served for five years as the executive director of the Power and Energy Society.
Bob Dent received his undergraduate engineering degree from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, and received graduate degrees from Pratt Institute, New York, NY, and Polytechnic University, New York, NY, in computer science, electrical engineering, and management. He received the Dow Jones Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award upon graduation from Polytechnic University.
Mr. Dent is a Life Senior Member of the IEEE. He received the PES Meritorious Service Award in 2001, two Region One awards in 1986 and 1994, the 1994 PES Chapters Council Award, and the 2000 Third Millennium Award. He was Volunteer of the Year of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) Generation Business Unit in 1997.
SSIT enthusiastically welcomes Bob as its new President-Elect.