2017 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS)
From Good Ideas to Practical Solutions
10 – 11 August 2017, The Sydney Boulevard Hotel, Sydney, Australia
The SSIT Board of Governors is pleased to announce that the next IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS 2017) will be held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia from 10 – 11 August, 2017. The date and location of ISTAS 2017 has been chosen to coincide with the annual IEEE Panel of Conference Organizers (IEEE POCO) event, which will be held Sydney from 7 – 9 August, and the biennial IEEE Sections Congress, which will also be held in Sydney from 11-13 August, 2017.
The theme for ISTAS 2017 – From Good Ideas to Practical Solutions – challenges all of us to focus on how we can address societal implications of technology as we identify and transition “good” technological ideas into practical solutions that deliver real societal benefits with minimal negative unintended and unanticipated consequences.
The main conference will be supported by the 10th Workshop on Social Implications of National Security, hosted by Dr Katina Michael (University of Wollongong) and a series of Distinguished Lectures (see Associated Events below).
General enquiries, including information for authors, should be forwarded to the ISTAS Secretariat (secretariat@istas2015.org)
SSIT Community Meeting, Sydney, Friday 11 August, 15:30 – 16:30
As part of SSIT BoG engagement with SSIT Community members, an SSIT Community Consultation meeting will take place on the afternoon of Friday 11 August, immediately following the Closing Plenary Panel of IEEE ISTAS 2017 (10 – 11 August) in Sydney Boulevard Hotel. Current and prospective SSIT Members and volunteers are invited to participate for the afternoon panels from 13:15.
To confirm your participation, please contact Paul Cunningham (pcunningham@ieee.org)
Call for Papers | Featured Speakers | Program |
For Authors | Associated Events | Registration |
Venue & Location | Patrons & Sponsors | Committee |
The IEEE ISTAS 2017 Program incorporates a mix of keynote presentations, paper and oral presentations and a closing panel discussion. Sessions focus on sharing insights and experiences around Trust, Build Environment, Healthy Living and Accessibility and Ethics and Policy.
Click here to download the programme, biographies of featured speakers and panelists and abstracts.
![]() Dr Moshe Y. Vardi, FIEEE, George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering and Director of the Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology, Rice University, United States |
Bringing Technology Benefits to All: Opportunities and Challenges Panel
Paul Cunningham, IIMC, Ireland / SSIT President (2017 – 2018)
Dr. Kathleen A. Kramer, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of San Diego, United States and 2016-17 Director of IEEE Region 6 (Western USA).
Prof. San Murugesan, Director, BRITE Professional Services, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE IT Professional, Editor, IEEE Computer and Cloud Cover column and Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University, Australia |
![]() Dr. Fahmida Chowdhury, Program Director, Office of International Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation, United States |
![]() Dr Ron Arkin, FIEEE, Regents’ Professor, College of Computing and Director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory, Georgia Tech, United States |
![]() Dr. Philip Chmielewski, Professor and Sir Thomas More Chair of Engineering Ethics, Seaver College of Science and Engineering, Loyola Marymount University, United States |
![]() Dr. Greg Adamson, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia and 2015-2016 President, IEEE-SSIT |
Women Empowerment though Engagement in Activities impacting Society and Humanity Panel
Dr Celia Shahnaz, BUET, Bangladesh, Co-chair, IEEE WIE Workshops Subcommittee and Member, IEEE SSIT WIE Subcommittee (Moderator)
Dr Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, FIEEE, Chancellors Club Teaching Professor, Professor of Mathematics and Courtesy Professor of AE & EECS, University of Kansas, United States
Sainab Taiwo Ninalowo, ComEd, United States / Chair, IEEE PES Women in Power
Dr Takoi K Hamrita, University of Georgia USA and IEEE WIE Liason to IEEE USA
Narelle Clark, ACCAN, Australia
Dr Katina Michael, University of Wollongong, Australia
Dr Fahmida Chowdury, National Science Foundation, USA
Dr Ramalatha Marimuthu, Chair, IEEE SSIT WIE Subcommittee |
Closing Panel – Trust and Social Implications of Technology
Susan M. Brooks, Executive Director, IEEE Communications Society
Gordon Day, IEEE President 2012
Russ Harrison, Director, Government Relations, IEEE-USA
John Lewis, UNSW, Australia
Prof. Pradeep Kumar Ray, University of Michigan Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Brian Traynor, Mount Royal University, Canada and IEEE Professional Communication Society
Jeff Voas, IEEE Reliability Society
Click here to complete online payment registration for ISTAS 2017. All fees are quoted in Australian dollars. Presenters should complete online payment registration by 31 July.
Fee Type | AUD$ |
IEEE Members including Networking Dinner (drinks extra) | 450 |
Non IEEE Members including Networking Dinner (drinks extra) | 600 |
IEEE Student / Life Members* | 250 |
Non IEEE Student* | 300 |
Networking Dinner tickets for students, IEEE life members and accompanying persons* | 50 |
* Student and IEEE Life Member Fees do not include the Networking Dinner. Dinner tickets will be purchased online at an additional charge for students, IEEE Life Member Fees and accompanying persons.
It is necessary for IEEE Members and Students to present up to date membership cards at onsite registration.
There is no refund available for registration fees. However, a registration fee can be moved to a substitute delegate prior to the start of the event with the agreement of the Conference Organisers. A student or Life member fee can only be moved to a replacement delegate who fits within this category.
Networking Dinner, 10 August
The Organising Committee are pleased to confirm a Networking Dinner at 19:00 for 19:15 in Chinatown, Sydney on Thursday 10 August. The dinner venue is a twenty minute walk from the conference venue. Participation in the dinner is included in the full IEEE and non IEEE registration fees. IEEE Students and Life Member and non-IEEE Students participating in the event can purchase Networking Dinner tickets online. Please book early to avoid disappointment as there is limited availability. Delegates are welcome to also buy a Networking Dinner ticket for accompanying persons, subject to availability.
Conference Venue
ISTAS 2017 is taking place in The Sydney Boulevard Hotel, 90 William Street, Sydney on 10 and 11 August.
The Sydney Boulevard Hotel is offering ISTAS 2017 participants a rate of AUD$200 per night, subject to availability. To book accommodation at this rate, please contact the hotel directly at 02 9383 7222 or email: reservations@sydneyboulevard.com.au
About Sydney
For more information about things to do in Sydney, please visit www.sydney.com.
Organising Committee
Greg Adamson, University of Melbourne, Australia
Lyria Bennett-Moses, University of New South Wales, Australia
Paul Cunningham, IIMC International Information Management Corporation, Ireland
Miriam Cunningham, IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
John Lewis, University of New South Wales, Australia
Anthony Nolan, G3N1U5, Australia
Technical Program Committee
Greg Adamson, University of Melbourne, Australia
Nirmalathas Ampalavanapillai, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Ron Arkin, Georgia Tech, USA
Philip Chmielewski, Loyola Marymount University, USA
Fahmida Chowdhury, National Science Foundation, USA
Paul Cunningham, IIMC International Information Management Corporation, Ireland
Miriam Cunningham, IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
San Murugesan, Western Sydney University, Australia
Pradeep Ray, University of NSW, Australia
10th Workshop on Social Implications of National Security
The Tenth Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security, hosted by Dr Katina Michael (University of Wollongong), will be held on 9th August at the University of Wollongong Sydney Business School, located in the heart of the city near Circular Quay. The workshop, which will focus on Biometrics and Regulation, is the tenth in the Research Network for a Secure Australia (RNSA) Human Factors Workshop Series. Further information about the Workshop and the RNSA Human Factors Series is available on the SINS17 website.
SSIT Distinguished Lecture Roadshow August 2017
Paul M Cunningham (2017 – 2018 SSIT President) is cooperating with local sections to present “Co-designing Ethical Interventions in Resource Constrained Environments”. This SSIT Distinguished Lecture focuses on social implications and ethical issues to be considered when designing interventions in resource constrained environments. It introduces the concepts of collaborative open innovation and co-design in the context of addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It then discusses socio-cultural differences, ethical conundrums and ethical research principles. These concepts will be contextualised through an African case study (mHealth4Afrika) focusing on the consultative, multi-stakeholder, co-design approach taken to implementing a cross-border, health oriented, research and innovation project supported by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. The DL will conclude by providing recommendations to be considered when designing interventions in resource constrained environments.
Confirmed Events include
Thursday 03 August 1500 – 1600 (Singapore) Event Link
National University of Singapore, E3-06-10.
Contact: Sahoo Sanjib Kumar
Monday 07 August 13:00 – 14:00 (Sydney, Australia) Event Link
Room 276 Law Building (F8), Level 2, University of New South Wales,
UNSW Sydney, Kensington – Parking Station Gate 14
Contact: Lyria Bennett Moses
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/co-designing-ethical-interventions-in-resource-constrained-environments-tickets-36432824559?aff=erellivmlt
Tuesday 08 August 09:30 – 15:30 (Wollongong, Australia) Event Link
SMART Infrastructure Facility Advisory Council Room, 6.101, University of Wollongong
First Workshop on Persuasive Technology and Society
Contact: Katina Michael
RSVP: https://katinamichael.wufoo.eu/forms/wy6bfyc0lwi9i3/
Tuesday 15 August (10:30 – 11:30) (Melbourne, Australia) Event Link
Swinburne University of Technology (BA403)
Contact: Jason Sargent, jasonsargent123@gmail.com
Authors wishing to participate at the Conference must register individually. Each author will make one presentation in the Program. Only papers actually presented at the Conference shall be included in the conference publications and be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Paper submissions for IEEE ISTAS 2017 will follow a two stage review and acceptance process: (1) Abstract (approx. 500 words), and (2) Full Paper manuscript (max. 5,000 words). Papers should be aligned with at least one of the Tracks listed in the ISTAS 2017 Call for Papers.
Abstracts may be submitted in either Word or PDF format, and be in either free format or follow the same structure as your final paper.
Full Papers must be submitted in Word format (i.e. with .doc extension) and take into account of any feedback provided at the Abstract review and acceptance stage. Full Papers should be limited to a maximum of six (6) pages and must comply with the IEEE format and specifications as described in the ISTAS 2017 Paper Template, which can be downloaded HERE. Authors are required to submit their final updated camera ready paper manuscripts to the ISTAS Secretariat (secretariat@istas2015.org) by 31 July.
Acceptance or rejection of Full Papers is based on blind peer review by the ISTAS 2017 Technical Program Committee. Therefore, please ensure that no contact details are provided within the text or properties of the document when submitted. These will be added by the Author(s) when the document has been reviewed and accepted for presentation at the Conference and inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Each accepted paper will be allotted 15 – 20 minutes in the Conference program for authors to give an oral presentation of the paper and to respond to any questions or comments from the audience. PPT presentations using the ISTAS 2017 PPT template should by submitted to the ISTAS Secretariat (secretariat@istas2015.org) by 04 August.
April 30, 2017 | Submission deadline for paper abstracts |
May 8, 2017 | Abstracts – notification of acceptance |
June 5, 2017 | Final manuscripts submission deadline |
July 13, 2017 | Final manuscripts – notification of acceptance |
July 31, 2017 | Camera-ready manuscripts submission deadline for publication |
August 10 – 11, 2017 | ISTAS 2017 |
Our Patrons and Sponsors include:
Paper proposals are solicited for oral presentations from industry, government and academia (including students) covering relevant research, technologies, methodologies, tools and case studies relevant to the conference theme and tracks. Papers on policy implications are also welcome. Full papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Papers accepted in the conference proceedings and presented during the conference will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts (maximum of 500 words, free format) by the Submission closing date. Authors will be advised by the specified Notification date if their abstract has been accepted, and if so, will be invited to submit their full manuscript by the Final Manuscript Submission deadline.
ISTAS 2017 Tracks
- Smart Materials, Smart Buildings & Smart Cities
- Climate, Environment & Sustainable Technologies
- Communications, Security & Privacy
- Artificial Intelligence & Autonomous Systems
- e-Health, Age Care & Assisted Living
- Internet of Things & Consumer Electronics
- Digital Senses, Virtual Reality & Augmentation
- Web Science & Big Data
- Green ICT
- Defence Technologies for Public Good
- Humanitarian & Emergency Management
- Ethics, Law & Policy